Developed by Team Ico, Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 2 launched in 2005, featuring orchestral music composed by Kow Otani.
Wild Arms Complete Tracks, composed by Michiko Naruke, published by Sony Interactive Entertainment through Spotify.
Nihon Falcom's arrangement album "Adol Christin -Ys 35th Anniversary Music Works-" ships on compact disc from distributor Play-Asia.
Namco Legendary album series installment "Galaga Legions&Galaga Legions DX" Original Soundtrack now playing on Spotify and YouTube Music.
The Namco Legendary series of classic game scores includes Galaga, Gaplus and Galaga '88 arcade soundtracks.
Microids to publish Syberia: The World Before Collector's Edition for PS4 launches, bundled with digital soundtrack by Inon Zur.
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express arrives today, digital soundtrack album streaming on Spotify and YouTube Music.
Live performances of 16 arrangements from "Octopath Taveler Break, Boost and Beyond Live" added to the Square Enix YouTube playlist.
Gotham Knights digital soundtrack composed by Joris de Man and The Flight streaming on Spotify, courtesy of WaterTower Music.
Forza Motorsport Original Soundtrack, composed by Kaveh Cohen and Michael Nielsen, published through Spotify and Apple Music.
Four-disc Bayonetta Vinyl Soundtrack published by record label Wayô Records in France, bundled with twenty-page illustrated booklet.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Warzone Original Game Soundtrack, composed by Jason Graves, published through streaming platforms.