December 04, 2024

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❝大学在学中にほぼ独学で作曲の基礎を築く。4年間のバンド活動のあと、数々のゲーム音楽の作曲、アーティストへの楽曲提供、東京ディズニーリゾートなどのショー・イベント、舞台、放送関係など多方面での音楽制作を行っている。また「Japan Expo」をはじめ世界各国でのライブやレコーディングの他、オーケストラへの造詣も深く、「逆転裁判」など多くのゲームタイトルのスコアを制作。指揮者としても活動歴が長く、特に若手の演奏家たちへの指導には定評がある。❞

Jerry on 2024-09-06

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection launch trailer premieres

Capcom's Ace Attorney Investigations Collection offers playback of in-game music tracks and bonus orchestral arrangements.

Jerry on 2024-07-11

Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III published by ININ Games

Special Limited Edition preorders open for Taito platformer Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch consoles.

Jerry on 2024-03-19

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy joins PlayStation Plus Classics

Laced Records' six-disc Ace Attorney 20th Anniversary Vinyl Box Set features music from six mainline series installments.

Jerry on 2024-03-12

Grandia HD Collection ported to PS4 and Xbox One consoles

Grandia Memorial Soundtrack release ships from publisher Wayô Records in France and distributor PixelCrib in Australia.

Jerry on 2024-01-23

The Legend of Steel Empire published for Nintendo Switch

Steampunk-themed shoot-em-up Steel Empire depicts a fantasy vision of the 19th century dominated by limitless steam engine technology.

Jerry on 2023-07-22

Wayô presses Grandia II Memorial Soundtrack on vinyl

Wayô Records in France presses Grandia II Memorial Soundtrack, composed and arranged by Noriyuki Iwadare, on vinyl and compact disc.

Jerry on 2021-04-04

Twelve Doors: Tribute to Noriyuki Iwadare vinyl ships from Wayô Records

Wayô Records' "Twelve Doors: Tribute to Noriyuki Iwadare" streaming on Spotify and available for shipping on vinyl and compact disc.