Final Fantasy XIV ported to Xbox Series X|S consoles

Jerry on 2024-03-21
Final Fantasy XIV ported to Xbox Series X|S consoles
Massively multiplayer online game Final Fantasy XIV has launched for Xbox Series X|S consoles.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Original Soundtrack ships from the Square Enix store for North America, A cross-fade video previewing the music Blu-ray's contents can be viewed on YouTube, courtesy of the publisher.

The Blu-ray release spans 119 music tracks from the massively multiplayer online role-playing game. The digital soundtrack, composed by Masayoshi Soken, Nobuo Uematsu, Tsuyoshi Sekito, Naoshi Mizuta, and other artists, is streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

Final Fantasy XIV previously launched for PS4 and PlayStation 5, along with Windows and Mac operating systems.

From the product page:
“The Adventure Begins” – Dedicated to our Warriors of Light. We are pleased to present to you a vinyl record collection of FINAL FANTASY XIV songs! Sound Creator Masayoshi Soken carefully selected songs from the original soundtrack to be included in this collection.
Square Enix online store North America - A Realm Reborn Music Blu-Ray

Apple Music - A Realm Reborn Soundtrack (Streaming)