Fangamer publishes Rogue Legacy 2 double vinyl soundtrack

Jerry on 2023-07-27
Fangamer publishes Rogue Legacy 2 double vinyl soundtrack
Publisher Fangamer in Tucson has pressed the Rogue Legacy 2 soundtrack album by Tettix and A Shell in the Pit on two analog records.

The vinyl publication, featuring 22 music tracks from the game is packaged in a gatefold designed by Justin Chan, bundled with a Bandcamp download code for the digital album. "Subterranean Sunrise" from Side B of the record set is previewed on the game developer's YouTube channel.

Cellar Door Games' sequel for PS4 and PlayStation 5 joined the PlayStation Plus Extra catalog in June. Created in Unity, the independently developed "rogue-lite" includes the latest free content updates entitled "The Fabled Heroes" and "The Swan Song."

Rogue Legacy 2 is also available for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Series X|S consoles, along with Windows, Mac and Linux through Steam, verified for use with the Steam Deck.

From the product page:
Rogue Legacy 2 is a genealogical rogue-LITE. That means it has all the trappings of a typical rogue-like (randomized runs, changing characters, and more), but with persistent upgrades, and persistent dead heirs. In this game, your legacy defines you. Spend your parents’ inheritance and grow the family manor to give your children a better fighting chance.

Each child is unique, with their own traits and abilities. Your daughter could be a Ranger. She could also be vegan. It’s a new experience every time. Rogue Legacy 2 also lets you play how you want to. Go hard and fast, and dive deeper into the depths of a randomly-generated world. Or take it slow and steady and build your character up until you’re ready for greater challenges.
Fangamer - Rogue Legacy Vinyl Soundtrack / Rogue Legacy 2 Vinyl Soundtrack

Apple Music - Rogue Legacy 2 Soundtrack